速報APP / 商業 / Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異




Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖1)-速報App

Mobilid provides easy mobile data processing to your Dolibarr logistic processes like for example: stock inventories, customer order collection and supplier receipts. Designed for small touch-screen devices like smartphones, tablets and on industrial portable terminals. Bluetooth connectivity to barcode scanners supported.

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖2)-速報App

Direct mobile access to your enterprise data on the actual product location. Easy application limited to the minimum necessary actions. Work fast and avoid making mistakes, use a PDA barcode scanner, smartphone with an external barcode reader or internal camera barcode scanner.

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖3)-速報App

Mobilid is developed to connect to the Dolibarr Open Source ERP system.

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖4)-速報App

A demo Dolibarr URL will be preloaded in the settings screen, you can try the app with this demo ERP system.

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖5)-速報App

Check www.mobilid.eu for more information on buying Dolibarr connector and documentation.

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖6)-速報App

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖7)-速報App

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖8)-速報App

Dolibarr in your warehouse with Mobilid(圖9)-速報App